Tuesday, December 8, 2009

My Happiness Project

John Hancock Building - Boston, MA - September 2008
I'm taking my inspiration from Gretchen Ruben's The Happiness Project and starting my own project. Over the last few years I have struggled with many things, not the least of which is my own happiness. It's easy to be negative about the life changes that I've had to make (and continue making...e.g. my mom), but in the end it only makes the situation worse. Life is pain, princess (name that movie!).

I've tried buying things that make me happy...which just results in clutter most of the time (Sometimes it works...these boots for example, HAPPY). I've tried taking care of myself - cooking, exercising, etc - which makes me feel good, gives me more energy, and helps me sleep at night. I've tried wrapping myself up in a relationship...which, when I lose myself in the process, doesn't help in the end. I've tried being creative through photography...which is something that I love and need to make more time for! I've tried a lot of things...some work, some don't. But this blog will be about the things that do work and my journey to happiness.

I plan to post every day...we all know this won't happen, but it's a good plan anyway :-)

1 comment:

Beth said...

I know! I know!
*raises hand and jumps out of chair*
Princess Bride!!
One of the BEST movies ever with the GREATEST lines!