I went the simple route with the cookies, just pillsbury slice and bake sugar cookie dough. Lazy was the name of the game for dinner this week - chili dogs that took about three minutes total to make and then these.
And pan #1 out of the oven! The orange sugar ones were a success, and of course the ones with the sprinkles. The candy corn, on the other hand, did this...
The candy corn melted through the cookies and stuck to the pan...I have yet to try one, when they solidified again the candy corn stayed really sticky. On pan #2 I also tried combining the orange sugar and cinnamon, which was good even though I got heavy handed with the cinnamon. Next time they will be perfect :-)
Totally did the exact same thing last year with the candy corn and the sugar cookies-got the exact same results too!
And I feel the need to call you a slacker for the Pillsbury sugar cookies ;)
I was a slacker :-) Marie and I decided that they would work if we just added the candy corn at the end like those hershey kiss cookies.
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