1) Peachy yellow roses - this is sort of what mine look like. I was super excited when two of the bushes in my yard bloomed out to be my FAVORITE kind!!

2) Red Geraniums. McDonough is the geranium city, so these are everywhere. I like them anyway and both of my grandmothers always had pots of these on their front porches, so now I do too! Family tradition :-)

3) LOVE Impatiens. I got pink and white, but I think the place where I stuck some may be too sunny, we'll see...I can always move them up under the ginormous bush with big rose-like flowers that I keep forgetting the name of. Seriously...I'm losing it. I think it starts with a C? or a G?

4) I can't wait for my big hydrangea bushes to bloom...they're old and established and should be absolutely covered in blooms. I want to dry some, does anyone know if there's a way to help them hold their color?

5) I love funky flowers, I got a hanging basket of Fuschia like this for the porch. I need to find some more odd things to mix in with my traditional shrubs. Fortunately hanging baskets go on sale right after Mother's Day, I want to get some hot pink Bougainvillea too ;-)

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