First of all, let me just say that packing does NOT make me happy. UNpacking makes me happy. Though, apparently I was braindead when I unpacked some of my kitchen boxes last time, because I have now found three things that I have been looking for since we moved in. What idiot puts cast iron skillets on top of the kitchen cabinets with the small appliances?? This idiot. Also, I need a real blender in my life...I'm pretty sure my stick blender, while awesome for milkshakes and soup, would crawl into the corner and cry if I asked it to chop would my mini food processor. Maybe I'll get one of those cute retro blenders like
this one to go in my future cute retro kitchen :-)
So...Things that make me happy...I think I'll do another picture edition:
1) This Formica. Is. Awesome.

2) While packing related,
bubble wrap still amuses...

3) Widow's Walk - Andrew Wyeth...if only there were prints of this painting

4) OK, for this one you have to use your imagination...but picture my signature on the new contract for my house because, believe me, that makes me incredibly happy :-)
5) Last but not least:
How cool is this??
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