Friday, January 29, 2010

Five Things Friday

First of all, let me just say that packing does NOT make me happy. UNpacking makes me happy. Though, apparently I was braindead when I unpacked some of my kitchen boxes last time, because I have now found three things that I have been looking for since we moved in. What idiot puts cast iron skillets on top of the kitchen cabinets with the small appliances?? This idiot. Also, I need a real blender in my life...I'm pretty sure my stick blender, while awesome for milkshakes and soup, would crawl into the corner and cry if I asked it to chop would my mini food processor. Maybe I'll get one of those cute retro blenders like this one to go in my future cute retro kitchen :-)

So...Things that make me happy...I think I'll do another picture edition:

1) This Formica. Is. Awesome.

2) While packing related, bubble wrap still amuses...

3) Widow's Walk - Andrew Wyeth...if only there were prints of this painting

4) OK, for this one you have to use your imagination...but picture my signature on the new contract for my house because, believe me, that makes me incredibly happy :-)

5) Last but not least: How cool is this??

Friday, January 22, 2010

Five Things Friday

I'm wishing I had made this "Four Things Friday" instead of five. For some reason it's hard to come up with that fifth thing, and I can't keep using chocolate chip cookies every week. Actually it's hard for me to come up with more than one thing that isn't food. I am a big fan of food, in case you hadn't noticed that already. But I digress :-)

Five things that make me happy:

1) Spending time with friends - something I haven't been doing enough of lately.

2) Clearing my desk at work

3) QT French Vanilla Coffee

4) Being on time 4 out of 5 mornings this week

5) PW's Steak Bites, Tater Tots, and stomach is growling just thinking about it...

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Yummy in My Tummy

Last night as I was standing in the grocery store line waiting to check out I glanced over the contents of my shopping cart. Meat, meat, dairy, beans, pizza, fish, meat, potatoes, and more meat...and one bag of salad. I think I need an intervention...

Friday, January 15, 2010

Five Things Friday: Picture Edition

1) Last night I watched (500) Days of Summer - Loooove Zooey Deschanel in this movie, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt isn't half bad all grown up (Angels in the Outfield, anybody?)

2) This is the coffee cup I use at work...they know I'm not a morning person, I'm barely a person until I get my coffee and breakfast!! :-)

3) Toll House Cookies...need I say more?

4) I was on a one way street to a bad mood until I watched Bones last night...never fails to make me smile :-)
5) If only they sold these chips in the state of Georgia...Texas, I miss you!!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Falling Off the Wagon

Well, folks, I haven't posted as much as I originally intended, but life has been on the hectic side lately! As I mentioned in my first post, I found my inspiration in Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project. I read her blog almost every day, and a few words from an interview in her post today stuck out to me: (Entire post here)

"Happiness is, in my mind, a mental choice. We'll all have adversity, challenges, and setbacks, but we get to decide how we'll handle them. We get to decide to view things as opportunities. We get to decide to be nice. We get to decide who we work with and what kind of ways in which we’ll work. When I’m not over-committed, I generally can keep perspective and make good choices."

Today, I choose happiness :-)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Happy Dishes

Kate Spade's St. Kitt's Mix and Match...stick a fork in me, I'm done...

And this: Also Kate Spade, Gwinnett Lane Cream

With a bit of this: Gwinnett Lane Chocolate thrown in to tone it all down a little

Which led me to this, Lenox Chirp, on sale at Macy's...

Never in my wildest dreams will I be able to afford china that is $129 a place setting and $112 for a sugar bowl...but a girl can still dream, right?