Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Falling Off the Wagon

Well, folks, I haven't posted as much as I originally intended, but life has been on the hectic side lately! As I mentioned in my first post, I found my inspiration in Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project. I read her blog almost every day, and a few words from an interview in her post today stuck out to me: (Entire post here)

"Happiness is, in my mind, a mental choice. We'll all have adversity, challenges, and setbacks, but we get to decide how we'll handle them. We get to decide to view things as opportunities. We get to decide to be nice. We get to decide who we work with and what kind of ways in which we’ll work. When I’m not over-committed, I generally can keep perspective and make good choices."

Today, I choose happiness :-)

1 comment:

Adam Edwards said...

Its been to long, get back on the wagon!