Friday, March 26, 2010

Five Things Friday

Five things that make me happy:

1) "A woman is like a tea bag. You never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt

2) Lunch breaks at work. Today's theme was "This one time, when I got pulled over..."

3) Easy Mac. I am probably going to hate it by the time my kitchen is done, but food is food and it can be made in the microwave.

4) Libraries (though I can rack up some serious overdue fines...$7.90!?)

5) This mirror:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What "Happy" Really Means...

OK folks...time to do some redefining. Or I at least need to remind myself what my definition was in the beginning, because y'all, it's been a rough few days.

I'm not going to lie, I thought buying a house would be a magic happy pill. It hasn't been so far, but only because I get so caught up in the tiny little things that go wrong - the flies in the ointment, as my grandmother would say. Last night when I was too nervous to sleep and I was trying to distract myself from imagining people crawling around under my house knocking stuff over (and, y'all, it was probably MY DAD that did it when we were down in there on Saturday!) I had a lightbulb moment.

The problems that I had going on before I bought this house and moved in it are STILL THERE. Moving isn't going to change my heart. I have been so caught up in what hasn't gone right and who doesn't seem to care that I've overlooked all the good things and the people who HAVE been there and DO care. Not to mention the single most important part - I bought a house!? ME? The person who can't remember what she had for lunch yesterday, kills houseplants, forgets to lock herself in at night, and has gone to the gym without shoes before is responsible enough to buy a HOUSE? (By the way, there is only ONE KEY to my entire house and it's a weird size that they can't copy at Lowe's...I am terrified of losing it. Changing the locks needs to be higher on the to do list)

Sure I have crappy things in my life, but who doesn't? I can always find things to complain about, but I can also find many more blessings if I take a minute to breathe before I react. And a little chocolate, a few texts to a reliable friend or two, and some happy background music (or Star Wars for the millionth time) go a long way :-)

Friday, March 19, 2010

Five Things Friday: Home Edition

HA! Finally :-) Now where to start...I meant to take pictures, I'll have to do another one once I remember to do that The brain, it's not running on all six cylinders these days...that whole burning the candle on both ends thing...I'm surprised I can even function, I'm so tired. And I possibly have a case of strep in the making, thanks to coworkers who COME TO WORK SICK. Ugh. But that's beside the point. Happy things!!

1) Wall color in my room and the small bathroom: Kingston Aqua, by Olympic

2) A plate from Hobby Lobby, perfect for the mantel in my bedroom!

3) This mirror is over the bathroom vanity, I changed the ribbon to a tiffany blue and hot pink paisley from Hobby Lobby, it's PRECIOUS!!

4) Laundry hamper from Pier 1, which was only $1 more than the smaller one that the McDonough Target was out of by the time I went to get it. Score :-)

5) The cutest chandelier ever :-) Spotted at IKEA thanks to Rori!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Five Things Friday (on Saturday)


1) Clean laundry that smells like Tide and Bounce (soon this will be back in my life, everything at the parents' is unscented because of my mom's allergies)

2) When someone compliments my jewelry or asks where I bought it, and I can say "I made it!"

3) Leaving work feeling like I actually accomplished something that day

4) Spending an entire day doing nothing but watch tv and movies in pajamas

5) This mascara